Research Videos
Keio University shares the scope of its research in these video introductions by members of the academic faculty. New videos are uploaded regularly onto our web page and YouTube channels.
Institute for Advanced Biosciences (IAB), Keio University - Research Highlights
- 人文・社会科学分野の研究 (三田キャンパス)
Research in the Humanities & Social Sciences (Mita Campus)
*Videos are added regularly and are available in both English and Japanese.
- 人文・社会・自然科学、先端的学際研究 (日吉キャンパス)
Research in Humanities, Social & Natural Sciences and Advanced Interdisciplinary Research (Hiyoshi Campus)
*Videos are added regularly and are available in both English and Japanese.
- 理工学部 / 理工学研究科 (矢上キャンパス)
Research in Science & Technology (Yagami Campus)
*Videos are added regularly and are available in both English and Japanese.
- テクノロジー、サイエンス、デザイン、ポリシー、コミュニティ、言語、看護医 療学、健康マネジメント等の学際的研究(湘南藤沢キャンパス)
Research in Interdisciplinary Research among Technology, Science, Design, Policy, Community, Language, Nursing & Medical Care and Health management (Shonan Fujisawa Campus)
*Videos are added regularly and are available in both English and Japanese.
- 薬学部 / 薬学研究科 (芝共立キャンパス)
Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences (Shiba-Kyoritsu Campus)
*Videos are added regularly and are available in both English and Japanese.